Friday, February 21, 2020

Privacy about Emailing, AIM or MSN Messenger Essay

Privacy about Emailing, AIM or MSN Messenger - Essay Example It can be a privacy issue because it can identify the location of the user to the receiver because their I.P address is indicated during the process. This is dangerous especially when the user logs into insecure chat rooms to talk to individuals who are strangers. The internet messaging services share a similar implication to emailing, and can easily be applied to forward spam messaging that generate slow progress towards completion of delegated duties. The other provision that the IM and emailing service provide is witnessed in the transfer of viruses that could be transferred from one machine across a network. There is privacy breached in accessing information about the user even when there is no logging process because the information is accorded the server. These systems have proved vulnerable to breach with the society containing system hackers who are capable of obtaining information through tracing vital information on the server system. Recommended technological Solutions The first realization that users should note is that the IM system is not the most secure means to relay information or store vital individual components. There should be application of alternative means if the nature of the information being passed is important in achieving progress (Willner 5). There are limited measures to hide the IP address but an option is given to seize using the automatic logging process. The sites should be accessed only on necessary areas with a careful observation to reduce the online time. AOL has been developed to limit the amount of messages that a server is capable of transmitting. It further applies measures to gain control over the recipient of the messages. This may be implemented through blocking the person that is to receive the message and only allow access when there is the need. In controlling the rate of virus transfer between machines, there should be identification of the secure files. This measure is applied in attributing the source of the r eceived files. The valuable contribution that can be connected to this problem is via applying updated antivirus software in the machine. There is a measure that is applied to block or reduce the IM service through shutting down ports. Moreover, there needs to be an implementation of security policies that define their operations. These rules are expected to regulate on the utilization f the type of software in the policies, and the legislative measure that would be implemented when the set regulations are breached. Before engaging in any communication exercise, the message logging can be disabled. ICQ is provides a system for automatic logging on first users, but the option can be disabled to reduce security risks. This is then vital because the users are not identified during the log in process. Developed Solutions The solutions to reduce the privacy risks are witnessed in applying the measures to hide the identity of user information by disabling the automated logging system. Thi s is applied by most individuals who access the IM systems on pubic environs like in the cyber cafes. These areas provide minimal security for personal information, and the individual may be exposed to demeaning acts that may threaten to invade their private life setting. The measure that can be applied to ensure that the security is maintained would be through clearing the

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Education quiz Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Education quiz - Essay Example Literal interpretation of written works also restricts them to understand emotions and to draw conclusions from written texts. The diversity of the requirements for understanding something demands effort from them which if not met could have the learner socially incapacitated. b. What instructional accommodations are generally recommended for students who experience this exceptionality? (For the sake of brevity, limit yourself to no more than three important accommodations. You do NOT have to elaborate, other than perhaps a sentence for each one.) To help such students, teachers are encouraged to give explicit instructions made simple so that the learners can be able to follow. Daily reviews would be a great help to assist them in retaining information that are important especially in the learning process. Since the understanding of a learning disabled student is limited, modeling is very helpful as it would be easy for them to understand what they see put in action than things expre ssed in words. 2. With respect to students who experience ADHD: a. In what way does this exceptionality affect the individual’s literacy development? For students with ADHD, their learning development could limit them to the very few things that they able to concentrate on. As ADHD learners usually have difficulty in focusing to a certain task, the possibility that an assignment could be completed could be far from possible. They usually exert more effort in keeping still to finish a certain task especially when it comes to writing so their communication skills can be affected. Reading could be a lesser trouble for them but being unable to concentrate in the task also affects their understanding as well as the acquisition of important information received in reading. b. What instructional accommodations are generally recommended for students who experience this